Friday, February 26, 2010

Grassware Jewelry

So cute! That's what I said when I saw these little treasures. You see, we're having some really bad weather. For the last few days, it's been incredibly windy. In fact, my hubby and I seen a roof fly off of a house yesterday. It's been bad. So I've been inside. Trying to cook. And playing on the computer a lot.

Along with finding new blogs, I've found more little treasures. Like Grassware. You can customize any of the necklaces. Which range between $23 and $42. They're too cute! And you can add extra charms, $3-12 a piece. I would really like one of these necklaces. Because you can completely customize them! Oh my. I could just see one with mine and my hubby's names...and our wedding day. ~Chels

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