Sunday, February 28, 2010

This Weather!

We are now the proud owners of sod, 10 trees and 5 rose bushes. Ya, I got some rose bushes! Pink and white ones. :) They were a complete surprise from my hubby. The nursery delivered the trees and bushes yesterday. My hubby called to make sure I was home. And I was expecting sod and trees. Instead, they delivered rose bushes and trees. No sod. It will be delivered sometime next week. Something about the sod they had on hand was dying. So I'm glad they waited to deliver it.

Oh, and we were supposed to do a lot of planting today. That isn't happening. The weather is so bad today! So our rose bushes and trees are now in the garage. I hope they live. And we're hoping to plant everything next weekend. If the weather decides to agree with us. The sod should be delivered by then. At least we're hoping! ~Chels

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