Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Good and the Bad

Today I tried to make dinner. But it didn't end well. My hubby wanted to eat it. I'm pretty sure that he just wanted to make me feel better. Because it was a huge fail! I wouldn't let him. So we ended up ordering some pizza. I felt really bad. Like a failure as a wife or something like that. But my hubby tried to make me feel better.

We've only been in our house since November. And we've slowly been tackling all these rooms. Trying to decorate and all that jazz. We're knee deep in DIY projects. And some days, I'm not sure if we're ever going to get our house to feel like home. But tonight, while we waited for dinner, my hubby encouraged me to search for something to buy for our house. I got online, and started to search.

I found this wreath. I know what you're thinking, "Chels, you don't even have curtains. Girl you need something more than a wreath!" Believe me. I know this! But when I did a search for an entry way table, this picture popped up. I really want it. But I'm thinking that $28 is a lot for something we don't really need.

I'm hoping that Lola comes around soon. She's so crafty. I'm not. Not at all. But I like to read all about crafts. I'm hoping Lola can help me make something similar to this this wreath. Maybe a little more organized. You know, not all that stuff failing off. I really want a warm and inviting wreath for our front door. ~Chels

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