Monday, January 30, 2012

Daydreaming About....

Now that you all know, that we're expecting....I can share something with ya. I find myself daydreaming, about babies and kiddos all day long!! I'm 9 weeks, 3 days today. I look more, "ate too many donuts," than pregnant. I've been super sick....for weeks. I swear to ya, there is no such thing as "morning sickness!!" It's all day, every day!

But enough of that, I've just been dreaming of kiddos. And how fun this new chapter of our life, is going to be. I sit here and try to imagine life with a little girl, and a little boy. Of crazy days, filled with toys, tantrums, and lots of cuddles. I think about all of that. And it just makes all of the "morning sickness" worth it!!

Come on! How can you not be excited, over a sweet little girl like this? Playing in the park. Right down the road. All smiles!

Or a cute little boy. Just like this. Jumping around. Taking a leap off of our back porch. Enjoying all that life has to offer! Being rough and tough. And all that stuff.

I sit here and imagine what life is going to be. How different our life is going to be. But how exciting life is about to become. I just can't wait! Until the day I get to snap pictures like these. ~Chels

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