Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!! Funny how this is my first Halloween, where I don't have anything to do. No school, no job, no real responsibilities. But I have no plans for the day. I'm thinking I might make some yummy appetizers, and desserts. Doesn't that sound yummy?

Tonight hubs and I are ordering pizza. And we're looking forward to all the "Trick-or-Treaters!" We got plenty of candy. I just hope we get lots of kids. Being a Monday, I just don't know. But hubs and I enjoy handing out candy. I've had fun decorating too.

Don't these decorations look great? They're not ours. Just a picture I found on Pinterest. It will definitely inspire me....for next year! What are your plans? Anything that we should add to ours? Any recipes that you would recommend? Hope everyone has a safe and fun evening! ~Chels

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